Noriyuki Yamaguchi, Yasuo Shimada, Yuzo Arisawa and Hiroyoshi Higuchi.Why do Oriental honey-buzzards select diffrent routes when
traveling around the East China Sea? International Conference on the Migration and Biology of Honey Buzzards, September 2009, Taiwan.
山口典之.「割合データ,二値データをGLMで解析する」In 自由集会『統計言語 R で一般化線形モデル解析—鳥屋にやさしい統計のお勉強—』(企画者:山口典之・齋藤大地)日本鳥学会2005年度大会,2005年9月.
Noriyuki Yamaguchi. 「Sex ratio adjustment in response to male tarsus length in the varied tit (Parus
varius)」In 自由集会『鳥類における性比研究の最前線』(企画者:永田尚志),日本鳥学会2002年度大会,2002年9月.
Oral and poster presentations
Shoko Sugasawa, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, Takeshi Sugimoto, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi. The long way round is the short way home: the importance of wind conditions in
migratory route selection by Grey-faced Buzzards Butastur indicus. Joint meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan and the 5th EAFES International Congress, March
Nasa Sakura, Wataru Kitamura, Ayumi Sugawara, Aya Asai, Akiko Matsuda, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, Go Fujita, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi. Changes of provisioning rules in
relation to weather conditions in the Barn Swallow. Joint meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan and the 5th EAFES International Congress, March 2012.
Shoko Sugasawa, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Higuchi. Migration route and the effect of weather condition on the route
selection of Grey-faced Buzzards Butastur indicus breeding in Japan. British Ornithological Union Annual Conference 2011, April 2011.
Akiko Matsuda, Wataru Kitamura, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi. Social and environmental effects on mating
strategies in barn swallows. 日本生態学会第 58 回大会,2011 年 3 月.
Jerry W. Hupp, John M. Pearce, Paul L. Flint, Andy M. Ramey, Dirk V. Derksen, J P Fleskes, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi.Migratory connectivity results in intercontinental exchange of genes and viruses in northern pintail ducks, COS/AOU/SCO 2010 Joint
meeting, February 2010, California.
平岡恵美子・山口典之・土方直哉・植田睦之・高木憲太郎・時田賢一・Jerry W. Hupp・John M.
Pearce・Paul L Flint・嶋田哲郎・東 淳樹・片岡宣彦・坂根隆治・今野 怜・奥山美和・渡辺ユキ・馬田勝義・樋口広芳.「衛星追跡にもとづく陸ガモ 3 種の渡り経路と移動パターン」日本鳥学会2008年度大会,2008年9月.
山口典之・Jerry W. Hupp・樋口広芳.「オナガガモの春の渡り経路と行動特性:状態空間モデルによる解析」日本鳥学会2008年度大会,2008年9月.
Eguchi, K., Katsuno, Y., Yamaguchi, N., Nishiumi, I., Koike, H. and Noske, R. Sex ratio and morphological sexual differences in
the Great Bowerbirds. Australasian Ornithological Conference 2007, November, 2007.